So, you’ve made it to the green. The flag is in sight, your putter’s ready, and you’re feeling like the main character in a Nancy Meyers golf movie (think The Holiday with a dash of Happy Gilmore). But like any main character, you have to deal with some *challenges* – in golf, it’s the secret code of conduct everyone expects you to know, but no one really explains. You didn’t come this far just to lose your cool. So, here’s the play-by-play of how to slay the green without being that golfer.


  1. Furthest Away Goes First: Not Just a Cute Little Tradition 

Listen up, distance queens: on the green, it’s all about who’s furthest away. The person with the longest putt always goes first—it’s not just some quirky custom, it’s the law of the land. It’s like the golf gods are saying, “Ladies first? Cute. But the one who’s got the most work to do goes first.” So, before you rush to sink your five-footer, check your surroundings. You might be stepping on someone’s moment.
TL;DR: Don’t jump the line; check who’s furthest, let them have their moment, then shine.


  1. Flag Etiquette: To Pull or Not to Pull?

Ah, the flagstick. It’s kind of like the BFF you invite out, but only sometimes—depends on the vibe, right? When it comes to putting, there’s an unspoken dance around when to pull it and when to leave it in. If someone’s putting from far away, ask if they want it in or out. And remember, once you pull that flag, don’t just leave it lying like an ex who texts “u up?” Place it gently on the green, away from anyone’s line of play. Be respectful; the flag’s done nothing wrong.

Pro Tip: Always communicate with your group about the flag. It's giving mindful.


  1. Don’t Walk in Front of Someone’s Line: AKA, Golf’s Biggest No-No

Look, we’ve all been there—absent-mindedly strolling across the green, daydreaming about what snack awaits at the turn. But nothing will earn you the collective side-eye faster than walking across someone’s putting line. It’s like showing up in the same outfit as someone else (*unless it’s a matching moment, then we’re here for it*): rude, avoidable, and kind of embarrassing. The ground your spikeless sneaks tread on can affect the putt, so step carefully and keep your distance.

Quick Fix: Imagine an invisible forcefield around every putt line. Just... don’t cross it. Easy, right?


  1. Mind Your Shadow, Babe: It’s Not All About You

We get it, the lighting is chef’s kiss and your shadow is looking particularly artsy. But on the green, shadows can be a big no-no. Standing where your shadow crosses someone’s line is like accidentally hitting the off button during a killer playlist. You’re ruining the moment. Pay attention to where the sun (or clouds, let’s be real) is hitting, and make sure you’re not throwing shade—literally.

Green Glow-Up Tip: If you can see your shadow in someone’s line, move it, babe.


  1. Don’t Be the Hover Queen: Give Space to the Putter in Play

Okay, so your friend’s lining up her putt, and you’re right there, breathing down her neck like you’re about to ask her to follow your influencer account. Spoiler alert: it’s distracting. There’s a fine line between being a supportive bestie and invading someone’s putting bubble. Stand back, sip on your Stanley, and give them a little breathing room.

Rule of Thumb: If you can hear them breathe, you’re too close. Give them space to vibe.


  1. Ready to Putt? Be Ready to Slay and Play

Nothing kills the green’s buzz like someone taking forever to read a putt like it’s Tolstoy’s War and Peace. You don’t need a PhD in greenside physics—just trust your instincts and go for it. Have your club ready, get your line sorted, and when it’s your turn, just do the thing. We’re here to play golf, not attend a theatre performance of your indecision.

Energy Check: Keep the pace light and the vibes good. You got this.


  1. Don’t Lose Your Clubs: Smart Placement is Key

We’ve all been there—bringing both your pitching wedge and putter to the green because you’re that prepared (or that in a bunker ;). But then comes the classic “Wait, where did I leave my wedge?” moment. To avoid leaving clubs behind and retracing your steps like you’re on a scavenger hunt, here’s the pro move: place any clubs you’re not using between where you are on the green and your cart. Not on the green itself, but strategically along your path back to your cart. That way, you’ll scoop them up on your way, no hassle, no stress.

Smart Club Hack: Keep your clubs in sight and on your path to your cart —no one wants to lose a wedge in the wild.


Final Thoughts:

Green etiquette isn’t about being perfect—it’s about keeping the game flowing and fun for everyone. Think of it as a silent agreement to respect the hustle of those around you while also getting your own shine on. So go forth, be the main character, but don’t forget the supporting cast (your playing partners) are just as important.

Now get out there and show the green who’s boss (hint: it’s you).