Ever found yourself caught in a never-ending round, feeling like you're in some bizarre golf version of Groundhog Day? Or maybe the group behind you that can’t take a chill pill is breathing down your neck? If so, you've encountered the bad side of "pace of play."

What is pace of play?

Pace of play is pretty much what it sounds like - how long it takes to play a round of golf from first shot to final putt. Most courses aim for an 18 hole round to take 4 to 4.5 hours, which is their way of ensuring that everyone gets to enjoy their round without feeling too rushed or missing their drinks reservation they’ve been looking forward to ever since they got their new skort they can wear straight from the course to cocktails with the girls 🙃. 

Breaking down the pace of play, it shakes out to about 15 minutes per hole with a few extra minutes at the turn. That’s not so bad, right? 

So how are you supposed to stay on top of pace of play while being new at golf, battling the elements and still trying to have a good time? We’ve got you:

Tricks of the Bad Madre Trade:

  1. Figure Out Pace of Play
First things first, you need to know what you’re working with. Oftentimes, the starter (person who meets you at the first tee and tells you when to start) will go ahead and tell you the pace of play. If they don’t, feel free to ask them. You may even get lucky and score a golf cart that will literally tell you if you’re behind or ahead of pace of play for that course.
  1. Ready, Set, Go!
OK you’re on the course, now let’s keep up the pace 😉. Be ready to play when it's your turn. The rule of thumb is that the person who is furthest away from the hole is supposed to hit next. No one likes a dawdler, especially on the golf course. While you're waiting, use that time wisely: size up your shot, select your club, make sure you have balls and tees in your pocket, and get your game face on. Think of it as your personal spotlight moment – step up, swing, and move on.
  1. Hot Girl Walking
Walking briskly between shots isn't just a great way to sneak in some cardio; it's also key to maintaining a good pace. Move with purpose, be efficient, and keep the flow going. Honestly, dealing with the cart takes time, so if you can walk, we say do it!
  1. Limit Practice Swings
We get it, practice makes perfect. But the course isn't the place for it when you’re sticking to a strict pace of play. Limit your practice swings to one or two. Standing over the ball makes anyone more nervous anyway, and trust us, you got this.
  1. Keep an Eye on the Clock
You don’t need to be crazy about it, but check the time from time to time to make sure you’re maintaining pace of play.  A good rule of thumb is 15 minutes per hole.
  1. Be Courteous

If your group is holding up the players behind you, it's totally ok to let them “play through” (aka let them pass ahead of you and play the hole you’re about to play). In fact, it’s a very cool thing to do and lets the group behind know this isn’t your first rodeo. Letting a group play through would likely go a little something like this:

Slow Group: "Hey, it looks like you're moving faster than us. Would you like to play through?"

Fast Group: "Thanks, we appreciate it. We'll be quick!"

  1. Know When to Pick Up
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we might find ourselves struggling on a hole. In these moments, it's perfectly okay to pick up your ball and move on. Self-awareness is always classy 😉 and there’s certainly no shame in it. Your group can even put a cap on the number of shots per hole… no one likes drawing snowmen on their scorecard anyway.
  1. Group Etiquette
Playing in a group? Make sure everyone's on the same page. Communicate, support each other, and keep things flowing smoothly. Teamwork makes the dream work, especially on the golf course.
  1. Organize & Strategize

A well-organized golf bag can save you precious minutes and keep your round feeling low stress. Keep your tees, balls, and clubs easily accessible so you can grab what you need without rummaging around. And if you’re rocking Sierra Madre, you’ll be sure to have access to a million pockets and accessories that are made to be chic and functional (check our Ball Marker Hair Clip).


“OK, y’all, pick up the pace of play of this blog.” Fair. In conclusion:

Pace of play is all about balance – keeping things moving without losing your cool. By following these tips, you'll have the awareness to stay within pace of play and the tools to not let it stress you out. Did you just become a ~self awareness~ goddess? 

And if you ever need a little extra help, we're just an email away at howdy@sierramadregolf.com. Happy golfin’, Bad Madres! ⛳✨
