Golf Scoring 101: No Confusion, Just Vibes

Golf Scoring 101: No Confusion, Just Vibes

So you’ve finally committed to this golf thing. You’ve got the cute fit, you’ve figured out what club to grab when (sort of – that one takes a minute to get the swing of), and you’re starting to actually make contact with the ball more often than not. Love that for you. But now, someone’s looking at you expectantly and asking, “What’d you get on that hole?”

Oh. Right. Scorekeeping.

If you thought math class was over, think again. But don’t worry, this isn’t calculus, it’s more of algebra with some obscure bird analogies (golf is silly). Let’s get into it. 


The Basics: Counting Like a Pro

Every hole on a golf course has a "par," which is the number of strokes (aka swings) you’re supposed to take to get your ball from tee to cup. It usually looks like this:

  • Par 3 – Short and sweet, three strokes is the goal.
  • Par 4 – A nice middle ground. Four swings and you’re golden.
  • Par 5 – The long haul. Five swings, if you’re lucky. Usually, you’re teeing off with your driver on these bad madres. 

Now, if you take fewer strokes than par, congrats, you’re a legend. If you take more, welcome to the club (literally). Here’s how to translate your score into golf-speak:

  • Eagle (-2) – Two under par. You’re on fire. Call the press.
  • Birdie (-1) – One under par. Basically, a mic drop moment.
  • Par (0) – You did exactly what you were supposed to do. Respect.
  • Bogey (+1) – One over par. Not ideal, but we deal.
  • Double Bogey (+2) – Two over par. Let’s just pretend that didn’t happen.
  • Triple Bogey (+3) – Okay, let’s go get a drink. 


Keeping Score: Who’s Writing This Down??

If you’re playing casually, you can of course not keep score at all (our favorite method ;)). In an official round, you’ll use a scorecard or an app to record each hole’s score.

Pro tip: In a tournament, you usually keep track of someone else’s score, and they keep track of yours. It’s giving middle-school-test-grading. 

So what exactly are you writing down? Say you're playing a par 4, and it takes you 5 swings to get the ball in the hole. That’s a bogey (+1). You can write down +1 or just the number 5… both work, but once you pick a method, stick to it. Consistency is key. 

And for those of you ready to take things to the next level—pros use little symbols to keep track of score trends. If you’ve ever watched professional golf, you’ve seen it:

  • A circle around a number means a birdie (-1).
  • A double circle means an eagle (-2).
  • A square around a number means a bogey (+1).
  • A double square means a double bogey (+2).
  • A nothing means par ;)

Professional doodling. Love that for us.


Extra Credit: Handicaps, Net Scores, and Other Things That Sound More Complicated Than They Are

A handicap is basically golf’s way of leveling the playing field. If you’re new to this, your handicap will be higher (meaning you get extra strokes to compete with more experienced players). If you’re really good, your handicap is low (or zero if you’re elite). 

Net score is just your total strokes minus your handicap. It’s how competitions make sure a beginner can still compete against a seasoned golfer without crying. 


Final Thoughts: Keep It Cute, Keep It Honest

Keeping score in golf isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress. And, okay, maybe a little bit of friendly competition. If you mess up, own it, laugh about it, and keep it moving. At the end of the day, we’re all just here to hit some balls, sip some drinks, and pretend we totally meant to do that.

Now, go forth and count with confidence. And if anyone tries to challenge your math, just flash a knowing smile and tell them to mind their own scorecard. 

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